Hello, I am Reese Biniasz (bin-ash), I am a student studying GITA 1 at Brea Junior High. I have really enjoyed the class and all the challenges that come along with taking it!

About Page


In this project, we learned the basics of c# and how to use Visual Studio. The purpose of this program was to make a background page for a company we created.

Mailing Label


In this project, we learned how to use textbox and the user's input to change the design of the program. Using user inputs we created a simple mailing label.

Car Rental


In this project, we created a car rental service that displayed multiple statistics about the rented car. This was the first time we would have to handle a counter and averages.

BMI Calculator


In this project, we programmed a service that calculate the users BMI. The program was hard to do because we also had to come up with a meal plan for someone based on their weight.

Car Upgrade


In this project, we upgraded our previous car rental service. We first used radio buttons in this project and took account of user choices.

Triangle Checker


In this project, we programmed a service that would check if a triangle was valid and what type of triangle it was.

Craps Game


In this project, we created a simple version of the casino game of Craps. This was a fun break from harder projects and I really enjoyed it!

Taco Shop


In this project, we made an online taco shop. I enjoyed the math behind the transactions and how the user's input would effect that.

Slot Machine


In this project, we made a slot machine program. It was fun to program the randomness of the images.

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock


We made a programmed version of Big Bang Theory's Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock. I enojoyed finding pictures for the project.

Incremental Game


For our final project of the semester, we made an incremental game where you click on the image to gain a currency and buy upgrades. I am really proud of this project and what I was able to do with it.